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bet 124

Regular price R$ 245.242,68 BRL
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bet 124

Explore the fascinating world of quantum entanglement, where particles can be connected across vast distances instantaneously. Discover the implications of this phenomenon on our understanding of the universe.

Quantum entanglement, a phenomenon in quantum physics, refers to the intrinsic interconnectedness of particles, regardless of the distance between them

When two particles become entangled, their states are instantly correlated, even if separated by light-years

This mysterious connection challenges classical notions of space and time, opening up new possibilities for communication and computing technologies

Through experiments like the famous Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox, scientists continue to unlock the secrets of entanglement, pushing the boundaries of our knowledge of the universe

Dive into the enigmatic realm of quantum entanglement and behold the wonders of interconnectedness beyond our wildest imagination.

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